Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Too Awesome for Words!

But we're gonna say a few anyway.

The children were just awesome tonight! We are off to a great start.

Tonight the children learned the four components of voice projection.
1. Posture
2. Breathing
3. Enunciation
4. Repetition

We introduced ourselves and played a little memory game to get them warmed up. The kids did an awesome job. We laughed but we worked too.

Thanks, parents, for volunteering to help. We appreciate you more than we can say. We just couldn't do it without you.

Rehearsals Begin Tonight!

The cast members of Fairy Tale Courtroom will begin rehearsals tonight. We will start with a question and answer session for parents and then dip our collective toes into our first rehearsal. With a cast of 33 it's bound to be a little chaotic but a whole lot of fun!

WAG's Board of Directors sends their first cast best wishes for a night of hard work!

And thank you to Allstate of Wylie, TX for supporting WAG by purchasing ad space in our season program. If you would like to place an ad, email us for more information.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

We have our cast!

We had another great day of auditions today. Thanks to our production committee working long after everyone had left, we now have a cast for Fairy Tale Courtroom!

We were truly amazed at the level of talent displayed by the 33 children who came to show us their stuff.

Rehearsals begin April 20th at 6:30PM. We'll see you then!